Lent 2017

How are you being invited to live this Lent?

Lent2eWe invite you to pray this meditation as a conversation with Jesus. How is he inviting you this Lent?   

  • Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed.
  • Take a few moments to quiet down, becoming aware of your breath, breathing in peace, breathing out any anxieties.
  • Remember that you are always in the presence of God, and ask God to help you hear his voice as you pray.
  • You might imagine, if you like, that Jesus has come to sit next to you. See him there in your imagination.
  • Whether you imagine him physically present or not, know that Jesus wants to spend this time with you. How does he greet you?
  • After you are comfortable in each other’s’ presence, ask Jesus:
    Where are you inviting me this Lent?
    Taking your time, go through each of the three pillars of Lent with Jesus.
    • Fasting – what are you asking me to fast from? What gets in the way of my being close to you and living the way you want me to?
    • Prayer – how can I spend time with you in prayer this Lent? How would you like me to go deeper?
    • Almsgiving—what are you calling me to give to the poor and individuals living on the margins of society? My time, through service? My resources, through sacrificial giving of money or goods? Is there a particular population you want me to grow in deeper relationship with?
  • As you end your conversation, how does Jesus say goodbye? How do you respond?
  • End with your favorite prayer. If you can’t think of one, pray the Our Father or a Glory Be.

Lent Resources 2017

There are many online retreats, books, prayer podcasts, and daily emails on offer. Remember that Lent is a season of simplicity – it is better to choose one or two things rather than enter into a frenzy of multiple practices. Where is God calling you to focus this Lent?

Book Recommendations
Pick up a free copy of Sacred Space for Lent 2017 in the back of the church.
From Loyola Press
From Thinking Faith

Living Lent Daily
Sign up to receive a daily email series from Loyola Press, delivering reflections based on the Scriptures of Lent. 

Resources for Parents
Holy Trinity’s Religious Education page has links for observing Lent as a family.

Rise Up: A Lenten Call to Solidarity
Daily email/blog posts from the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Contributors include Greg Boyle, SJ, Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ, Gregory Chisolm, SJ, and Kristen Trudo.

Seven Last Words:
Lent Retreat 2017

Pray As You Go and Sacred Space offer this seven-part audio retreat based on the book Seven Last Words, by James Martin, SJ. Download the PAYG app (link included) to pray the retreat.

Lenten Resources
Holy Trinity's Adult Faith Formation links for Lenten Resources.

Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns Lenten Reflection Guide 2017
A journey with Gospel nonviolence

Pope Francis’
Message for Lent 2017