Stations of the Cross at Holy Trinity

Stations of the Cross will be held throughout March and April:


Youth Ministry Stations of the Cross & Lenten Simple Supper

Friday, March 7 | 6:00 PM, McKenna Hall

Holy Trinity Youth Ministry will be hosting Stations of the Cross with a focus on overcoming racism. A supper will be held immediately after stations in McKenna Hall. This is an intergenerational gathering, so all are welcome and encouraged to attend. RSVP and sign up for the potluck here.


Walking with Jesus on the Way to Salvation – Stations of the Cross & Lenten Simple Supper

Friday, March 21 | 6:00 PM, McKenna Hall

  • This Way of the Cross was originally led by Pope Francis on Good Friday in 2020 with meditations prepared by the Chaplaincy of Padua Prison in Italy. We modified some meditations to include meditations on issues in the United States Justice System in this presentation. The meditations were written by: prisoners, victims, family members, and workers and ministers at prisons. Each shares his or her experience of the Cross. A simple supper will be provided. Hosted by the Order of Malta and Returning Citizens Committee. RSVP to


Religious Education/Family Stations of the Cross & Lenten Simple Supper

Friday, March 28 | 6:00 PM, church followed by potluck in McKenna Hall

  • Join us for a special evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship at this year’s Family Stations of the Cross! All families and parishioners are welcome to come together as we walk with Jesus on His journey to the cross, deepening our understanding of His love and sacrifice in a way that is meaningful for all ages. After the Stations, we invite you to stay and share in a simple meal as a community. You are welcome to bring a simple side dish to share as we continue our Lenten journey together. Please RSVP here to help us plan for numbers and if you are able – to volunteer to bring food and/or to help with logistics. We look forward to sharing this special time of prayer and fellowship with you!


Good Friday Stations of the Cross

Friday, April 18 | 4:00 PM, Church