Parish Life
Parish Life is a ministry of Holy Trinity that focuses on building community, and supporting programs and events that allow parishioners to connect with one another on social, pastoral, spiritual, and emotional levels. There are many groups represented within Parish Life that play a part in making Holy Trinity a vibrant, involved and active parish.
For a complete description, visit our main Groups & Ministries page or view the pages below.
Tabitha Acosta
(202) 903-2801
Upcoming Parish Life Events
The Holy Trinity Book Discussion Group will meets virtually via Zoom on Thursdays from 7:15pm to 8:45pm.
For more information about our current book and Zoom particulars, please contact Bob Stewart Click here for more info.
This group holds meetings every other Wednesday. Please click here for more information. The group provides support for those who are widowed, divorced or separated. This is a warm and inviting group, everything is confidential, and there is no cost. We use Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends as a basis for discussion
Ongoing Events
Sunday Coffee and Donuts
Coffee & Donuts are back in McKenna Hall after the 9:30 and 11:30 Sunday Masses. Grab a cup of coffee and a donut and join us for fellowship.
On the last Sunday of the Month, Katie Wolf who is Holy Trinity's Ambassador Coordinator, will join the coffee for Welcome Sunday. New Parishioners are encouraged to join in and Katie and other parishioners can answer questions you may have about the parish.
New and Expanding Groups
We are looking for interested parishioners to expand or start up the following groups:
Holy Trinity Ambassadors
Would you like to be a part of a team who welcomes newcomers to our Parish? Help expand our Ambassador program! We are especially looking for parents of school-aged children and young adults. Please contact Katie Wolf to learn more.
Groups & Ministries
If you are interested in Parish Life activities, please see the weekly Bulletin and visit the main calendar for meeting dates. For more information about any of these programs, please contact Tabitha Acosta.