Do Something Good for Your Neighbor

At Holy Trinity, our faith and Ignatian tradition call us to build a more just world that upholds dignity, equality and access to social and economic opportunity for all. At Holy Trinity, our faith and Ignatian tradition call us to build a more just world that upholds dignity. equality and access to social and economic opportunity for all. We provide monthly opportunities for service through SOME, the Migrant Team and Georgetown Weekend Suppers. In November we host a Thanksgiving Food Drive and in December we host a Giving Tree. Throughout the year we promote opportunities to serve with tithe partners.

Community Meal Sharing

The Social Justice Ministry has arranged for Holy Trinity parishioners to prepare, deliver, and serve a meal at partner organizations in DC and VA. If your committee, club, class, neighbors or friends would like to host a date, please email to sign up and for more details.

Community Support

Every month parishioners provide food items for partners at Fr. McKenna Center, Georgetown Ministry Center and SOME. Items include snack bags, breakfast casseroles, bagels and fresh fruit. We ask that parishioners to sign up so that we may prepare our volunteers and partners for deliveries.  Collections happen outside Trinity Hall on O Street. We also maintain an Amazon Wish List to assist with additional requests.

Community Partner Requests:

As a congregational partner of Friendship Place, we encourage parishioners to consider volunteering on site. Learn more about current opportunities.

Migrant Familia Needs

As our familia grows, so do our needs. At this time, we are accompanying 27 individuals/families (six are in active accompaniment). We maintain a Community Wish List to support our families.  Thank you for your continued support of the Migrant Fund which covers expenses related to housing, legal support, food security, and healthcare. For more information or to volunteer, please email

Current needs:

  • Volunteers to join our medical and legal teams

Cupcake Bakers Needed

During COVID, parishioners answered the invitation to be part of the monthly birthday celebrations at Christ House. This effort continues and has been successful thanks to the leadership of Esther Howe and the many talented bakers at Holy Trinity. We are excited to continue to offer this opportunity.  Sign up

Saturday Suppers

For twelve years, Holy Trinity has joined other Georgetown churches to serve hospitality and meals for guests every Saturday. Churches rotate cooking responsibilities, and all dinners are served at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church in Georgetown. There has been an abundance of volunteers arriving at the Saturday Suppers, and unfortunately our model does not accommodate the large numbers. Only those who have signed up on the Sign Up Genius for a particular Saturday will find an opportunity to volunteer that day. Please sign up through the Social Justice Tuesday eLetter or email

April 12