7th Grade Confirmation Preparation

This information applies to all students who are interested in being confirmed at Holy Trinity in Spring 2026


Students planning to celebrate Confirmation in 8th grade must participate in faith formation during their 7th grade year.  Registration specifically for Confirmation takes place in 8th grade.

    • If a 7th grade student attends a public school or a non-Catholic private school, please register for religious education at Holy Trinity. Registration for religious education may be found here.
    • If a 7th grade student attends Holy Trinity School or another Catholic school, no registration for Confirmation preparation is required until his or her 8th grade year.

Faith & Liturgical Formation

All 7th grade students should consistently attend religious education classes through a parish faith formation program or Catholic school. 

All 7th grade students should participate in Mass faithfully each Sunday (or Saturday Vigil).

Confirmation Name

During the Rite of Confirmation, the Bishop or Archbishop will call each candidate by name as he anoints the candidate with sacred chrism: "Name, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."  

The following are options for your Confirmation name:

    • The name your parents gave you at your baptism.  This reflects the deep connection between baptism and confirmation and the call that each of us has to be a saint!
    • A canonized saint within the Catholic Church.

A confirmation name form will be completed in 8th grade.


We encourage youth and families to engage in service opportunities throughout the year.  As Catholic Christians, we are called to service especially to serve those least in our midst.  Please see here for ways to volunteer.