8th Grade & High School Confirmation Preparation
This information applies to all students who are interested in being confirmed at Holy Trinity in Spring 2025.
Registration for Confirmation preparation is required for students who are interested in being confirmed at Holy Trinity in Spring 2025. Please note:
- If a student attends Holy Trinity School or another Catholic school, please contact Anne Marie Kaufmann to register for Confirmation preparation.
- If a student attends a public school or a non-Catholic private school, please register for religious education at Holy Trinity and Confirmation preparation. Registration for religious education may be found here.
- Attendance at a Catholic school or registration for religious education does not mean your student is automatically registered for Confirmation preparation.
- High school students seeking Confirmation should register online and contact Katie Laskey, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, for preparation details.
Celebration of the Liturgy
The celebration of the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life" (LG 11). It nourishes us, strengthens us, and sustains us. It also is our communal worship - where we come together as the Body of Christ, broken and bruised and yet filled with faith and hope, to encounter Christ through one another, in the spoken Word of Scripture, in the priest, and most intimately in the Body and Blood of Jesus.
Therefore, all those preparing for Confirmation should attend Mass each Saturday evening or Sunday at Holy Trinity or another Catholic parish.
Faith Formation
All Confirmation candidates should attend regular faith formation through Holy Trinity Parish faith formation programs or a Catholic school.
Click HERE for link to Confirmation textbook chapter reviews. These are to be completed by students enrolled in At Home Catechesis or as make up for anyone who misses the lesson during Sunday morning RE classes.
Jesus tells us that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord, our God, with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We also know from St. Paul that when a member of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer. Therefore, as disciples of Jesus, we are called to serve in our community. In a special way we are called to serve those in our society who are most vulnerable, who are forgotten and overlooked. We invite all those preparing to celebrate Confirmation to find ways to serve in our community especially those least in our midst.
Looking for service hours? See opportunities here or visit our Social Justice webpage for current opportunities through Holy Trinity.
Candidates for Confirmation choose a sponsor who will accompany them during the preparation process and will continue to support their faith journey through prayer, friendship, and ongoing support in the life of faith. To emphasize the special connection between Baptism and Confirmation, the Church encourages candidates to choose one of their godparents as a sponsor for Confirmation. However, candidates may choose another family member or friend who fulfills the following requirements:
- is a Catholic, who has celebrated all three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
- is at least 16 years old.
- practices his/her faith as a Catholic in order to witness to living as a disciple of Christ.
- is available to support and pray for the candidate during the preparation process.
- may not be the candidate's parent.
If the candidate's sponsor is unable to attend the Confirmation, a parent or other adult may fill in as a proxy.
Confirmation Name
During the Rite of Confirmation, the Bishop or Archbishop will call each candidate by name as he anoints the candidate with sacred chrism: "Name, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
The following are options for your Confirmation name:
- The name your parents gave you at your baptism. This reflects the deep connection between baptism and confirmation and the call that each of us has to be a saint!
- A canonized saint within the Catholic Church.
Confirmation Mass
Confirmation Mass - Spring 2025