You’re Invited To Be a Catechist!

Thank you for your interest in becoming a catechist. We want to answer all your questions as you prayerfully discern if this ministry is right for you. Take a stroll through some of these resources below and then contact us for more information. Call or email:

We Need Catechists and Helpers for the 2024-2025 School Year!

Classes begin in September and run through the third week in May.

What's Involved in Being a Catechist?

As a catechist, you'll plan and teach classes throughout the year, with a co-catechist. You'll have tremendous amounts of resources (printed, digital and human) at your fingertips to help you along the way. We know you may have questions or concerns; we've heard a lot of them over the years. Let us ease your concerns.

Don't Take Our Word for It

Listen to what our catechists say about their experience in the videos below:

Child Safety

Holy Trinity and the Archdiocese of Washington are absolutely committed to the safety of our students. All those who work with children in any capacity (even as volunteers) must meet the requirements of the Archdiocese of Washington, including attending mandatory training, passing background checks and being fingerprinted. Learn more about the requirements below.