
We are called to remember our mission to "accompany one another in Christ, celebrate God's love, and transform lives." Volunteer today at one of our current opportunities that directly impacts lives in both our Holy Trinity community and our greater global community.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer with Housing Up on February 22
Sign-up to volunteer! Volunteers are needed to create toiletry kits for the 700 residents Housing Up serves.

Volunteer with Catholic Relief Services Helping Hands on March 21
Sign-up to volunteer!  Rise Against Hunger (RAH) is an international hunger relief agency that has been fulfilling its commitment to end hunger for more than 15 years by bringing meal-packaging events to communities. All ages are invited to participate. The event will be held in Trinity Hall.

Volunteer with So Others Might Eat
Holy Trinity parishioners serve every month at S.O.M.E., the fourth Sunday lunch and lunch on Thanksgiving Day.  This is a 46 year old service that Holy Trinity initiated when S.O.M.E. and Fr. McKenna began its service to the homeless of Washington.  If you would like to participate during the year, you will be added to the monthly volunteer email list and may sign up as your schedule permits.  Summers are the greatest time of need. To learn more or join the email list, please email Patrick McCourt at cpatrickmccourt@netscape.net

Experience the Power of One
Power of One is June 6. Volunteers are needed to coordinate opportunities with community partners. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Ashley Klick at aklick@trinity.org.

Support the Fr. McKenna Center
The Fr. McKenna Center serves men struggling with homelessness and families in Ward 6 dealing with food insecurity. On the second weekend of every month, please bring your non-perishable food items to the bins outside church. They are always in need of baked beans, jelly, soup and canned fruit.

Be Popular at our Most Popular Ministry: Sunday Coffee & Donuts
Join us for fellowship every Sunday in McKenna Hall after the 9:30am and 11:30am Masses for coffee and donuts. Can you help by volunteering to set up prior to the 9am Mass? Service hours for students are available.

Lift Your Voices: Music Ministry Call
All Holy trinity choral ensembles are looking for new members as they musically lead and support worship throughout the year. We have 5 different choral ensembles to choose from.  For more information, contact Matthew Ogden.

Serve on Holy Trinity Committees
We are looking for new members to serve on our Communications Committee and Education Committee. Minimum time commitment is one meeting per month. For more information, contact Ted Newton (Communications) or Anne Marie Kaufmann (Education).

Serve Saturday & Sunday Meals for the Homeless
Holy Trinity coordinates weekly sit-down meals for the homeless in Georgetown. In addition to preparing and serving food, there are some light set-up and clean-up duties. Volunteers must be 13 years old. For more information, contact Mike Conway.