Social Justice

The Social Justice Ministry and its various teams and programs work across multiple channels to build a more just world that upholds dignity, equality and access to social and economic opportunity for all. Your support of this ministry allows the Church to engage with our many neighbors in the DC metro area to feed individuals who are homeless, mentor youth and help people find affordable housing, among other activities.

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It also allows us to engage with our two sister parishes – Maria Madre de los Pobres in El Salvador and St Jean Baptiste in Haiti, and Jesuit social services beyond our borders. These are a few of the critical programs your gift supports:

The Advocacy Team works to address the root causes of injustice by focusing on affordable housing, immigration, and environmental justice.

The Migrant Team/Migrant Familia accompanies and advocates for refugees throughout every phase and facet of their settlement into this community.

The Green Team advocates for the care of our common home - Mother Earth - by educating the community about the perils of Climate Change and identifying positive actions that can be taken to reduce our carbon footprint.

Maria Madre

Holy Trinity and the parish of Maria Madre de los Pobres in El Salvador have walked together for over 30 years through civil war, gang violence, floods, earthquakes, and a pandemic. Join this community of service, faith, friendship, and solidarity by participating in a January or July delegation, becoming a godparent in the Maria Madre Godparent Program, attending a HT group meeting, joining our listserv, assisting in fundraising, or making a donation to Maria Madre parish and school.

Maria Madre Godparent

Are you a new or existing Holy Trinity-Maria Madre Godparent making a Godparent Program donation? If so, this portal is for you. If you would like more information about how you can support the education of a Maria Madre child by becoming a Godparent, click here.

Migrant Support Fund

Today we are accompanying 27 families from 12 countries. 100 million people are forcibly displaced around the world, and our Migrant Familia stands ready to welcome and accompany these mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons as they seek refuge in our community. Thank you for supporting the work of this ministry.




St. Jean Baptiste [Haiti] General Fund

We began working with our sister parish St. Jean Baptiste after the catastrophic 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Your support helps us accompany the people of St. Jean Baptiste in the hope of deepening our relationship with them, promoting the well-being of their community and enriching the spiritual life of all parishioners involved.


Haiti Scholarship

Education in Haiti is challenged by civil & political unrest, natural disasters and extreme poverty. However, your generosity offers young people an opportunity to overcome these barriers and pursue their post-secondary education. The fund covers their tuition fees and, when the need is determined, their laptops and phones.



Community Relief Fund

The Community Relief Fund helps people in crisis. Working with local partners, the funds support food insecurity, returning citizens and assisting with personal emergencies. They may also be used to support larger efforts such as recovery from natural disasters. Funds are allocated with approval from the Pastoral Associate for Social Justice and the Pastor.