Participate in Retreats
Retreats in Daily Life
Holy Trinity offers four opportunities to make an individually directed Retreat in Daily Life during the year.
The format for these retreats is the following:
• Continue to live at home and engage in your daily activities.
• Gather in community with other retreatants and spiritual guides to open the retreat on a Sunday afternoon.
• From Monday- Friday, pray with Scripture passages that your guide suggests and meet with your spiritual guide each day (for God’s Abiding Love & Emmanuel Retreats) or each week (for Lenten Retreat) depending on the length of the retreat.
• Gather at the end of the retreat on a Saturday morning to close the retreat with fellow retreatants and spiritual guides.
Register for the retreat by completing this form [need link yes, I will send it to you.]. Registration forms are also available at the entrances to the church and chapel.
God’s Abiding Love
This retreat is designed especially for individuals who are new to praying with Scripture in an Ignatian way. The retreat lasts one week, beginning on a Sunday and ending on the following Saturday. We ask that you pray for 30 minutes Monday – Friday with Scripture passages your guide suggests and meet with your spiritual guide for 30 minutes each day of the week. We offer this retreat to those who are new to praying with Scripture in an Ignatian way in September and January.
Emmanuel: God With Us Always
Our second retreat was created for individuals who have made an Ignatian Retreat in the past. The retreat lasts one week, beginning on a Sunday afternoon and ending the following Saturday. As in the first retreat, we ask that you pray for 30 minutes each day with Scripture passages that we suggest, and meet daily with your spiritual guide for one half hour (Monday – Friday). The Emmanuel: God With Us retreat is offered in December so that all the Scripture passages have an Advent theme. This retreat gives the retreatant the opportunity to build on the skills one was introduced to in the God’s Abiding Love retreat.
A Lenten Retreat: Drawn from the Spiritual Exercises
The six-week Lenten retreat is for those who have made the God’s Abiding Love or Emmanual: God With Us Always retreat, an 8-day Ignatian retreat, or the 9-month Spiritual Exercises. The opening and closing of the retreat is the same as the previous two retreats. During the six-weeks we ask that you pray for 1 hour each day and meet with your spiritual guide for 45 -60 minutes once a week. We offer this retreat during Lent.
[attachements on each retreat to follow]