Holy Trinity Choirs
Holy Trinity Loyola Ensemble: This ensemble ministers at the 9 am Mass in the Church and is comprised of both singers, instrumentalists and guitarists. The choir welcomes members of all ages-children of reading age through adults. The repertoire includes the 9 am liturgical music. The ensemble rehearses Sunday mornings at 8:00 am, prior to Mass, in the chapel.
Holy Trinity Ignatian Choir: This choir supports and enhances the music at the 11:30 am Mass. Their repertoire encompasses all styles of music, from chant and Renaissance motets to 20th century anthems, sung a cappella or with organ accompaniment. They rehearse Wednesday evenings in the Church from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm and Sunday mornings in the chapel at 10:30 am, prior to Mass.
Holy Trinity 5:30 Ensemble: This group leads the worship at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass. Their repertoire is contemporary and is accompanied by piano, guitar and other instruments. They rehearse Sundays in the Church prior to Mass, 4:00pm-5:15pm.
Holy Trinity YAC Ensemble: This ensembles enriches the monthly 7:15pm YAC Mass in the Chapel. The Ensemble is accompanied by guitar, violin and other instruments. They rehearse in the Chapel at 6pm in the Chapel.
For more information on any of the Holy Trinity Choral groups, please contact the Music Office at 202-903-2827.