Judith Brusseau Faith Formation Fund

Help build momentum - Sign up to be an Individual Fundraiser using the form below.

Signing up to be an individual fundraiser allows you to ask those who trust you – family members, friends, and co-workers – people who share your values and would find this effort meaningful – to join you in giving. Once you sign up, we will guide you step-by-step, offer sample communications you can use or adapt, and support you every step of the way.

Of course, if you prefer you may also give a gift by:


Go to our online payment form.


First time users: text GIVE to 202-991-GIVE (202-991-4483)
Return users: text an amount and fund keyword ‘JUDITH’ (e.g. 50 JUDITH)


Mail a check to Holy Trinity Church with “JB Fund” in the memo line. Attn: Development, 3513 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20007

Looking to support a specific person's fundraising effort? Use the Find a Fundraiser tool.

Questions? Call/text Rock Schuler, Director of Stewardship, at 301-455-5437 or email him at RSchuler@trinity.org.

Fundraiser Signup