Sacramental Preparation-TEST PAGE
First Reconciliation and Eucharist
Jesus Christ is truly present in our midst. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an encounter with Jesus that forgives sins and restores us to grace. The Eucharist is the most profound way we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ. In the Archdiocese of Washington, children celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation prior to First Eucharist. Many children prepare for and celebrate Reconciliation for the first time usually around the age of seven.
Is your son or daughter ready for preparation to celebrate these sacraments?
- Is he/she at least seven years old?
- Has he/she been baptized in the Catholic Church?
- Has he/she been enrolled for at least two years (including the 2017-2018 school year) in
- A parish school?
- A religious education program?
- An independent Catholic school?
If the answer to all three questions is yes, then you can begin the preparation process!
- Complete the online registration process by August 1, 2017. If your child was baptized at Holy Trinity, please indicate the day/month/year. If your child was baptized elsewhere, please email a copy of the baptism certificate to by August 1. Click here to begin the online registration process for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist. Please note: this is a separate process from RE class registration.
- Plan to actively participate in the preparation. Part of the preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist is the conversation and discussion you will have with your child at home. You will receive Sacramental textbooks that your child will complete with your help. In the fall, you will complete the Reconciliation text, with celebrations offered in November and December. In the spring, you will complete the Eucharist text, with celebrations offered during the Easter season.
There are two parent meetings for each sacrament, and it is expected that parents attend both.
Important dates
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Reconciliation Parent Meeting #1
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Reconciliation Parent Meeting #2
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Reconciliation celebration
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Reconciliation celebration