Youth Confirmation

Registration for Youth Confirmation 2018-2019  opens June 1.

Holy Trinity’s Confirmation program

Holy Trinity’s Confirmation program works to prepare our young people’s hearts for the Sacrament of Confirmation by teaching them through liturgy, words, experiences, and actions what it is to be a disciple in community.

Our program focuses on the meaning of Christian discipleship, membership in the Body of Christ, and life in the Holy Trinity and greater Catholic/Christian community.

In 7th grade, or the year before a child celebrates Confirmation, students are to participate regularly at Mass, in Religious Education and our 7th grade Confirmation service program. In 8th grade, or the year a candidate celebration Confirmation, students are to participate in Religious Education AND our Confirmation preparation program.

7th Grade program

Confirmation Preparation Program

Usually in 8th grade 

  • 2018-2019 Program Calendar
  • Service
    • In 8th grade, candidates decide on their own service focus for their Confirmation preparation year. We encourage candidates to think about what service in 7th grade they found meaningful, that really set their heart on fire or that they’d like to explore more, and to choose that as their focus in 8th grade.
    • There is no logging of hours or logging of experiences like in 7th grade, but a self-driven process that the program will help them reflect on.
    • Service proposal
  • During retreats and sessions candidates participate in small faith sharing communities.
  • Saint Reflection
  • Session Information
    • Past Confirmation preparation programs have been able to offer alternative meeting schedules (sessions) for portions of the program.
    • At this time, session options are TBD.
    • Simply register for program participation by August 1.
  • Full Day Retreat
    • Meet in McKenna Hall at 7:20-7:30 am
    • Bus to and from The Claggett Center
    • Return around 6 pm
  • Confirmation Conversation (May)
    • One-on-one conversation reflecting over the preparation process
    • Online sign-up for 20 minute slots will be sent out in the Spring.
  • Service Reflection due at the Confirmation Conversation
  • Confirmation dates: TBD
    • Online sign up will be sent out in early March.

Confirmation Preparation Program Requirements

To participate, Holy Trinity Confirmation candidates must:

  1. Be baptized in the Roman Catholic Church (If your child is not, please contact the Youth Ministry department to discuss the situation and options).
  2. Have participated in Religious Education classes through Sunday Morning RE, Holy Trinity School, or another Catholic School during 2017-2018.
  3. Enroll in Religious Education classes through Sunday Morning RE, Holy Trinity School, or another Catholic School during 2018-2019 AS WELL AS in this Confirmation preparation program.
  4. Commit to full participation in the Confirmation program.

Registration for Confirmation Preparation Program

Participation in this program usually takes place during 8th grade.
Students of high school age who have not been confirmed for whatever reason and wish to enter into preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation are welcome to register for the confirmation program & indicate their grade.

The deadline for registration is August 1, 2018.

The information gathered through this registration process will be used for parish sacramental records as well as by the Confirmation Preparation team.

What you’ll need in order to register:

  • Health insurance information.
  • Baptismal certificate (if not baptized at Holy Trinity). If baptized at Holy Trinity, you’ll need to provide the date of baptism on the supplemental information form.
  • Confirmation sponsor’s name and contact information.

We look forward to celebrating with your family as your child takes this important step on their faith journey.

Confirmation Preparation Program registration is SEPARATE FROM Sunday RE registration and HTS. Registering for the Confirmation Preparation Program is the only way for youth to prepare for Confirmation at Holy Trinity.

Registration begins June 5.

To register, click “Youth Confirmation Sacramental Prep” under “Register” on the website’s navigation menu above.

Choosing a Sponsor

  • Sponsor must be a confirmed Catholic 16 years of age or older as of October 1.
  • Sponsor must be active in his/her faith and Christian life.
  • Sponsor may not be the candidate’s father or mother (preferably, the sponsor is someone outside of the immediate family).

Check out Who is a Sponsor?



Sponsor Guide

Confirmation Team (Adult and Peer Minister) resources



For more information or if you’re interested in volunteering to help out with our program please contact Youth Ministry at