English-Murray Fund

Two of Holy Trinity’s beloved priests passed away a day apart in July of 2016. While they led parallel lives and shared a similar devotion to God, each had his own particular passion for Ministry while at Holy Trinity. The English-Murray Memorial Fund honors each Jesuit’s distinct legacy.
About the Fund
The endowment goal of the English-Murray Memorial Fund is $50,000. Once realized, at least $2,000 per year will be allocated to our Worship & Liturgy Ministry and our Ignatian Spirituality Ministry.
Worship & Liturgy
Father Jim English, S.J. is remembered as a pastor who enlivened the liturgy by his presiding, formed a generation of Holy Trinity parishioners, and looked toward the future as he rebuilt Holy Trinity Church.
Through your generous contribution, you will continue his legacy of beautiful liturgy and liturgical formation by allocating funds for the replacement and refurbishment of liturgical items (albs and other vesture, liturgical books, vessels, and linens) and also providing scholarships for parishioners to seek ongoing liturgical/musical formation at annual conventions held by the National Association of Pastoral Musicians or the American Guild of Organists.
St Francis de Sales admonishes that "we pray best before beauty," and this fund will ensure that Holy Trinity continues his legacy of beautiful liturgy by ensuring well-formed assemblies.
Ignatian Spirituality
Father Leo Murray, S.J. is remembered as a priest who administered the sacraments in such a way that reflected the intimate relationship he had with Christ, offered the full Spiritual Exercises in daily life, and gave individual spiritual direction to many who came to him.
Through your generous contribution to the English-Murray Memorial Fund, you will enable Holy Trinity parishioners each year to deepen their experience of Ignatian Spirituality during the Ignatian Leadership for Mission retreat. This retreat, held at places such as Loyola on the Potomac, is rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and focuses on the graces of gratitude, healing, call, and co-laboring.
While at Holy Trinity, Fr. Murray encouraged a deepening of Ignatian Spirituality, and this fund will ensure that the spirituality he lived will be accessible to all who seek God.
How to Donate
Donate Online
- Click here or use Donate Online button at the top of this page
- Under Organization, select 1. Holy Trinity Parish
- Under Donation Type, select EnglishMurray Fund
- Choose Make One-Time Donation or Set Up Recurring Donation
- Click Continue and follow additional steps for making online payment
Donate by Check
- Fill out the back of this page with your information
- Make a check or money order payable to “Holy Trinity Church” with “English-Murray Fund” in the memo
- Bring in-person or send checks to: Holy Trinity Church 3513 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20007
Rev. James M. English, S.J.
October 11, 1935—July 22, 2016
Father Jim English was born in Philadelphia, PA. He received his Bachelor’s degree and Licentiate in Philosophy from Loyola Seminary in Shrub Oak, NY, and went on to earn a Bachelor of Sacred Theology and Licentiate in Sacred Theology from Woodstock College. As a Jesuit scholastic, Fr. English spent three years in Jamshedpur, India, teaching English and ethics.
Following his ordination, he became headmaster at Gonzaga College High School and later began a nine-year tenure at Holy Trinity Church, as parochial minister, assistant pastor and pastor. In 2001, he served on the Campus Ministry staff at Georgetown University.
Fr. English lived at the Colombiere and Manresa Hall Jesuit Communities for more than ten years, serving in pastoral ministry and praying for the Church and the Society of Jesus. He died in Manresa Hall at St. Joseph’s University.
Rev. Leo A. Murray, S.J.
Father Leo Murray was born in Baltimore, MD. He received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from Weston College, earned a licentiate of Sacred Theology from Woodstock College and a doctor of Sacred Theology from the Institut Catholique de Paris. As a scholastic and young priest, Fr. Murray spent nearly 20 years at his alma mater, Loyola High School, before becoming Rector at Gonzaga College High School. He served both in London and Maryland as the Director of Communications.
In 2003, he came to Holy Trinity Church as Parochial Vicar and served in many other pastoral ministries for more than 10 years, including Shepherd’s Flock, a program which assists children with disabilities. He died in Manresa Hall at St. Joseph’s University.