Farewell to Katie Laskey: After this Sunday’s 9:30 & 11:30 am Masses

Sunday, July 28 | After 9:30AM & 11:30AM Masses, McKenna Hall

It is with much gratitude for her ministry and some sadness (as she will be missed) that we will bid Katie Laskey farewell this Sunday, July 28.

Katie has served as the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Holy Trinity for the past two years. During this time, she developed a core team of volunteers to lead the Sunday Morning Youth Group and led a summer week of service to Baltimore for high school teens and a week of local service for junior high youth. She has helped engage young people more completely in parish life through the Parish Council and liturgy. She also integrated Ignatian Spirituality and social justice into youth events such as the Ignatian Family Teach In and weekly faith sharing during Lent.

Beyond youth ministry, Katie served at Holy Trinity as a sacristan and extraordinary minister of Communion. She was also part of our lay preaching team and is now among the preachers at Catholic Women Preach. Because of her advocacy for young people and passion to see them fully involved in the life of the Church, Holy Trinity has come closer to realizing the Apostolic Preference of “accompanying young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.” In the past two years, we have more intentionally “walked by their side; glimpsed the future with them; and walked with them in order to perceive and discern where the Spirit is leading our world and our Church.”

In closing, one of the chaperones on the Baltimore trip shared this about Katie: “It was Katie’s gentle, open and illuminating leadership in our group reflections that helped us truly gel as an inclusive and fun community. Her peaceful being and openness inspired my trust and the trust of our young people.” As Katie moves to Seattle, we pray that God may bless her abundantly with the grace to continue to accompany young people on the journey of faith – that together they may come to know God’s deep love for them and how they might live out of this love to bring transformation and restoration to the communities in which they live.