Youth Confirmation Preparation Program

The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you. Jn 14:26

Confirmation completes the sacrament of Baptism and is given only once.  It imprints an indelible spiritual mark on the soul.  This is the character or "the sign that Jesus Christ has marked a Christian with the seal of his Spirit." Through this special mark, Jesus shares his own power with those who are confirmed (CCC 1304).  In this way, the sacrament of Confirmation unites us more closely to Christ.  It also increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, and therefore, equips us to witness more fully to our Catholic faith (cf. CCC 1303).

Holy Trinity's Confirmation program aims to:

  • help young people understand the meaning of Confirmation.
  • deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ to live as his disciples.
  • bear witness to their faith in how they love and honor God and how they love and honor one another, especially the least in our midst.

To reach these goals, we invite those preparing to be confirmed to commit wholeheartedly to the following:

  • Participate in Mass weekly either on Saturday evenings or Sundays.  The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.  It nourishes and strengthens us to bear witness to the Gospel.  It is the place where we gather together as a family in faith to worship God and to pray for the needs of our community and world.
  • Attend faith formation classes regularly (through Holy Trinity faith formation programs, Holy Trinity School, or another Catholic School). Because Confirmation completes baptism and results in a fuller commitment to living out a life of faith in Jesus Christ, those preparing to be confirmed should be involved in ongoing faith formation.  Thus, we ask that young people who plan to be confirmed in 8th grade participate in faith formation throughout the earlier grades and especially in 7th grade.  For those in 8th grade or above who did not participate in any faith formation program the previous year, please contact the faith formation office to discuss the need for additional formation.
  • Serve others.  God calls us to love our neighbors, and Jesus tells us that when we serve the least in our midst, we serve him.  As Christians, our relationship with Christ and experience of God's love compel us to move outward from ourselves in order to serve others, especially those children, women, and men who are most vulnerable.
  • Pray daily.  Through prayer we encounter God in a special way.  Jesus, himself, took time to pray in order to be in communion with his loving Father.  We, too, are called to pray so that we might know of God's love, give thanks for God's blessings, ask for help, and discern God's will in our lives.

For the current year guidelines (2023-2024), please click here.

For a list of due dates and links to forms (2023-2024), please click here.

To view the Confirmation candidate/ parent presentation from October 22, please click here.


To learn more about preparation for 7th grade, click here.

To learn more about preparation for 8th grade and high school, click here.


Anne Marie Kaufmann, Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation
