YAC Mass and Cafe

YACs gather on the second Sunday of the month for a 7:15 pm mass in the Chapel of St. Ignatius.  The entrance can be found on N Street between 35th and 36th Street. Check the parish calendar, our Facebook page, or Whatsapp group for rarely scheduled changes).  Mass is followed by a pot-luck social at the YAC Cafe in McKenna Hall. All are invited to bring snacks, drinks, and friends! (If you aren’t able to bring anything this month, come anyway and bring something next month!) Contact: Nathan Holaday and Conor Supple at yacs+liturgy@trinity.org

We are especially in need of Lectors, Eucharist Ministers, and Greeters for the YAC Mass as this is a Mass BY and FOR young adults.  If you would like to volunteer to serve in some way, please reach out to Conor and Nathan.

Young adults are invited to attend all liturgies and typically congregate in an “unofficial YAC section,” underneath the balcony on the right-hand side (especially on Sundays at 5:30pm). For a complete listing of all Mass times, click here.