YAC Retreat

We offer two retreats each year:  Fall (October 11-13, 2024) and Spring (April 26, 2025 with optional overnight) . We travel to a retreat centers in Maryland for our retreats, which are peer-led with opportunities to share in small groups and celebrate the Sacraments. They are in a format that integrates Ignatian spirituality with contemporary issues that are important to us as young adults.

The Fall 2024 retreat will be a full weekend and will be held at Loyola-on-the-Potomac in Faulkner, Md.  The Spring 2025 retreat will be a one-day retreat, with optional overnight, held at Mar-Lu-Ridge Retreat Center in Jefferson, Md.

Read: "Going on a YAC Retreat is a No-Brainer!" by Mike Daly and "Spirit@Work: Faith and Friendship at Camp Maria" by Leigh Anne Tiffany.

Young adults are invited to attend other parish retreats as well. Click here to view more opportunities to make an Ignatian retreat at Holy Trinity.

Holy Trinity’s Young Adult Community invites adults in their 20s and 30s for a daylong retreat of faith and fellowship.

We will gather to prayerfully reflect on the consolations, desolations, and graces of daily life, while also listening for how God might be leading us in the future. Led by St. Ignatius’ Examen, we will hear peer talks, have small group discussions, and spend time in prayer to explore how God is working in our lives. The retreat day will culminate with Mass and a bonfire, with the Sacrament of Reconciliation available throughout the day.

This is a one-day retreat, with an optional overnight. For those who stay overnight, there will be more opportunities for fellowship, prayer, and enjoying the beautiful retreat center on Sunday morning.

When: April 20, 9:30am until 7:30pm
Optional overnight: through April 21 at 1pm
Where: Mar-Lu-Ridge Retreat Center, Jefferson, Md (car pools arranged)
Cost: $65 (one day); $85 (overnight)
Registration and payment deadline: April 7, 2024

For more information, contact Hospitality Minister Pearl Hughes, at: yacs+retreat@trinity.org

Registration has closed, however there may be space available.
Please email Pearl at yacs+retreat@trinity.org to inquire.



Sponsored by Holy Trinity's
Ignatian Spirituality & Prayer Ministry

A Jesuit retreat ministry
for those in their 20s and 30s.

Holy Trinity is a member of the
Charis Ministries Partner Program.