Racial Justice & Equity

Moments in 2020- deaths of Breonna Taylor & George Floyd, Covid inspired anti-Asian discrimination- sparked Holy Trinity parishioners to action. Embracing Catholic social teaching and Ignatian Spirituality, parishioners marched, read books, engaged in conversations, and activated around the themes of racial equity. This work continues.
A Holy Trinity History Team was formed to explore the role of slavery, segregation, and race in Holy Trinity’s history. To date, the members have published 22 articles and expanded relationships with Epiphany Catholic Church and St. Augustine’s. Read the articles
The Restorative Justice Committee hosted racial healing circles for parishioners to explore white privilege and antiracist behaviors. A circle created with John Wesley AME Zion Church continues.
Committees across all of our ministries continue to offer book discussions, presentations and opportunities for parishioners to remain engaged in the work against racism.