Social Justice Committee & Tithe
Join the Committee
Members must be registered parishioners for at least one year and be willing to make a commitment to carry out the duties of the position. Minimally, this means attending meetings, taking on assignments, and making the required time for the commitment.
Committee Chairpersons must have completed at least one year of membership on the committee. Chairs serve one year, with a maximum of two consecutive one-year terms.
The Committee operates with a membership consisting of 15 voting members. The membership term of voting members is 3 years unless otherwise established. The terms are staggered so that the terms of a minority of members expire each year.
In the Spring of each year, new members are sought to fill the vacancies of those with expiring terms. A small subgroup of the SJC engages prospective new members and makes recommendations to the full Committee which approves the new members, whose term begins in September. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email Ashley Klick.
24/25 Committee Members:
Sue Blain (Tithe Sub-Committee Chair), Bruce Cohen, Rachel Cruz, Megan Dennis, Dan Gunther, Terry Lavoie, Kevin McShane, Cris Moran, Cindy Phoel, Arlene Pietranton (Chair), Bernardo Serrano, Cristina Torres, & Lauren Wolkov.

Tithe Sub-Committee
As an essential component of the social justice programs, the Social Justice Ministry distributes tithe funds to various social service, advocacy, educational and Jesuit-related organizations. Through the distribution of the tithe in large grants and smaller charitable grants and through direct service projects and advocacy, the Ministry partners with organizations in the community whose mission aligns with that of the parish. The tithe also supports Jesuit and parish organizations that have a long relationship with the parish in education and social service.